Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by c312
homosexuality is not genetic.
Being raised a certain way could make it a lot easier for someone to be gay, but it isn't in the genes.
That's your opinion though. It's not fact.
Fact: There are MANY homosexual people who have breakdowns when they realise they can't change their sexual orientation. Alot of people have killed themselves because they were afraid of how people would treat them if they came out.
Most gay people are reluctant about their sexual orientation.
Therefore, there is no bearing or control over who they are sexually attracted too. It might as well be hereditary. Tell me why you think it's more important that it is hereditary as opposed to it being nurtured? You think it's controllable?
How many cases of homosexuality have you heard of, where they just went to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, and they talked them out of their sexual orientation.
Whether you agree with it or not, to alot (if not most) of homosexuals, they are forced to live with it, despite wanting to be straight.
They can't sit with psychologists and talk their way out of being gay because psychologists will tell them they are perfectly fine the way they are. And I really don't think that there are a lot of homosexuals who are that way despite truly wanting to be straight (keyword truly). I think some may say they want to be, but don't actually.
You're pretty narrow-minded, aren't you?
How many gay people do you actually know, to be able to generalise and claim they all don't truly want to be straight? Have you ever actually talked to a gay person before?
I've met a few in my time and the one same story I hear, is that of dealing with total confusion and having suicidal thoughts based on this confusion with sexual orientation.
Do you think people would willingly put themselves through that?
Do you think that gay guys just decide one day, "Hey, fucking men looks fun, I am now.....GAY."
Whether it's natural (determined before birth) or nutured (determined after, by upbringing). There is no control or will by the person in question to change their sexual orientation to "unnatural" mode. There is no other explanation. Human's can't consciously control their own sexual orientation.