Thread: 1 Giant Leap.
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Default 07-26-2005, 08:10 AM

well since you've called everyone that hasnt agreed with you on this a "homophobe" then i will try to make that shoe fit.

as far as all your other points, you dont have to go very far in around these forums to find someone to help you bash Conservative Christians not to mention the fact that mainstream liberalism wants the rest of the country to believe that those of us who are CC's are wacko nutbags and the majority are not...the idea of the religious right and the moral majority are myths...there has been no such organized movement, but a majority of church-goers vote republican...

what does my username have to do with anything? you cannot have it both ways, either you practice faith or you don't. yah its nice when people say they believe in God but it ends what? if you don't follow the tenets of the religion (the ones laid down by God and not by humans) then whats different from saying you believe in the sasquatch? the simple fact of the can the church bless a lifestyle that goes against its teachings? if the church balks on that then it loses its authority and then is no different from the local elks club...thats how the church fades into the background, by capitulating rather than standing up to the changing morality of the culture...which is mutually exclusive from the morality found in the Kingdom of God..

i read the article (which has nothing to do with the religious debate)but im skeptical because of the fact that this guy sites no sources aside from news from the NiH which says:

"A much-discussed study done in 1993 by a team of geneticists at the National Institutes of Health found a spot on, sure enough, the X chromosome that they believe contains a gay gene. The NIH team is now in the process of pinpointing the gene itself, which has already been registered by the name GAY-1."

...havent heard anything about this since, did i miss something? (they "found" it in '93)

but to mention politics and that debate...the fact that when put up for a vote, mandating gay marriage is shot down was the point, it means that the majority of the people in the state don't want that...then the liberal judges come seeing their meal ticket and start legislating from the bench and over turn the laws.

you and i will never agree on this and thats fine, we dont have to...and besides im all for allowing folks to have civil unions or any other rights hetero couples have, just don't try to force the hand of the church (youre naive to think that there are those who arent trying, i pick up my denominations newsletters and every month i see different)
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