Ignoring a girl for like a year kus I thought she was outta my league, then finding out that she liked me but just began seeing some guy. Then she splits, I make real broad hints that I still like her. I went out clubbing with her last night & kissed her a few weeks back but now magically it seems that she's not interested. I really like her but don't want to be dragged along on another wild goose chase. I decided after I got back last night to give her the 'I surrender, but with honour' speech.
I wrote this up a while ago when seeing some other ho & have used it ever since because I've always thought it to be a piece of marvellous diplomacy. It says everything but also says it without sounding corny/cheesy.
"Look, I think you are a really lovely girl, you know how I feel about you. You know I want to go out with you. I can't handle being friends with you. I hope you are happy with whoever you end up with, Take care x."
I thought this text might be foolproof kus it says everything about how you feel but also says how you like them without kissing their azz. 'Lovely girl' is more like a description one gives to a pet dog. & then at the end you kinda dump the person with mild rejection & they realise they are losing you without even seeing you & prolly makes them pannic a little. It also says stuff like 'You know' which is kinda psychological, after reading that text they will be thinking about it for a while after.
Anyhow after sending that text this morning I got a reply back about lunch time saying.
"If that's the way you want it to be.
X X X"
Course it's not what I want! wallbash: Guess you could say I regret doing that, now wtf do I do? Delete her numba I guess if she's not interested theres f/a I can do. Dumb bish! She could at least throw me a line or something...
ed: eek: rolleyes: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: annoy: cuss: cuss: cuss: mad: mad: annoy: stupid: hake: