Thread: 1 Giant Leap.
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Default 07-27-2005, 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by c312
Homosexuality is different than being black, brown, yellow, white or purple to the church because the bible says it is wrong.

The church will not or at least should not change their beleifs on homosexuality because that would be changing the bible's beleifs. It would be like the church adapting to accepting premarital sex just because it is acceptable in society now even though it is against the Bible.
Changing the bible? Isn't that what Catholicsim, Protestant, Orthodox, Jehoveh Witness', Baptist, Lutheran, etc have done? Changing the bible and its teachings to suit ones need. The only true church is non-partisan.

Once again you are also not retorting my point. You might say its not ok to have homosexuals, God says it too, but what about gays' feelings? They are part of America. Isn't the point of having the US? To release people of persecution; ecspecially if its RELIGOUS. If you were to find the love of your life and your neighbor doesn't approve, you would still get married. ITS YOUR CHOICE TO MARRY, NOT OTHERS. This reasoning should apply for all, not just between a man and a woman. The only reason they can't get married is that their neighbor votes against it. What is the neighbor going to lose? Their pride? Ego? Ticket to Heaven? Unlikely.
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