Originally Posted by strvs
Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by strvs
come on the kid is 15, you expect him NOT to be doing things like this? fuck, its like part of growing up. no way did the kid deserve to be shot because of something so petty, if anything the guy who got that mad over an egg should grow the fuck up/
I don't know what kind of childhood you had, but I've never thrown objects at cars or freakin motorcyclists. There was a kid recently in my area that threw an iceblock off of a highway overpassing killing a family in a car that was driving by. Even a 12 year old knows that isn't acceptable behavior.
Well an iceblock is understandable but an egg is hardly something to kill someone over. What possible threat could an egg pose ? Not as much as a block of ice im sure.. Certainly not enough to warrant ending someones life over. IMO that's more immature than throwing eggs.
could have hit him in the eye, and the egg shells could have done serious damage