07-27-2005, 07:47 PM
"Look, I think you are a really lovely girl, you know how I feel about you. You know I want to go out with you. I can't handle being friends with you. I hope you are happy with whoever you end up with, Take care x."[/quote:f1d06]
Redded for the biggest mistake.
That whole line just cuts them off completly, it sounds as if your walking and not looking back. Sadly you need to make it sound less "im fuckin gone" and a bit more "im fisheing for a positive reply".
Something along the lines of "i cant stand just being your friend anymore". That doesnt sound like good bye, it comes off as 'Im looking for more".
Also dont be a fucking coward, IM's are not the same as in person speech. You cant tell the tone of someones voice, or "how" they're saying things via IM. Its ripe for missunderstanding. It also leaves you open to have a discussion over whats going on, rather than "ok, bye" then she logs off in a huff from missunderstanding you.