07-27-2005, 08:29 PM
drunken quotes
*Chris: There's beer everywhere! I've got beer in places where I didn't even know I had places!
*Dan: I don't know what the fk is going on! I'm fkd out my fking fker!
*Turbo: I just wanna eat some pussy goddammit!
*Dan: I agree eating pussy is better than eating a hot cross bun when your fucked
[To some lesbians at a club]
*Will: My mother used to dance just like that!
[Whilst trying to find girlies on a crowded dance floor]
*Will: I led you to the promised land- Gank! *waves hand across the crowds of girls infront.
*Paul: Ya but look at the state of them, what the fuck?
*Will: So I failed the Navy navigation test, what you expect? I see a lotta milk & a lil bit of honey.