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07-28-2005, 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by Milla
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by jujumantb
To be pefectly honest, I dont have any simpathy for them.. Actions lead to reactions, they threw eggs, the guy shot at them. When you do stupid pranks like that, you have to think of the consequences, aka: whats the worst that could happen, and in this situation, the worst probably did happen, in the end, its still the kids' who should feel just as much guilt for thier friend's death as the shooter.
If I was throwing eggs, I wouldn't consider dieing from gunshots as a consequence - Even in the worst case. Before I had read this story, I doubt it would have even been a possibility in my head. oOo:
Talk all you want about how stupid these kids were, but what that guy did was VERY extreme and kind of psychotic. They didn't deserve death for it. Just an ass-whipping.
Exactly what i wanted to say, but im retarted and cant put words onto paper...or in this case the internetz
loooool beer: