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Default 07-28-2005, 12:25 PM

I thought it was extremely good. Very cool fire fights and it was actually pretty balanced. It showed the extremity of the war and the political bs they deal with (i.e. the General 75 miles down the road that needs to know how this would play out on tv...).

The camera angles were somewhat unique. The typical "follow them with the camera while getting dirt on the lense" was in there but they also had really cool angles, plus I thought it was cool that when the soldiers had nightvision on, the camera was in nightvision mode.

The extras they had to use for Arabs were a bit laughable, but seriously when you're working on a TV show you only have so much to work with.

This looks like it could be a good series. As of late FX has been pumping out some really good shows. Rescue Me is probally one of my favorite shows and althought I didn't much care for The Shield or Nip/Tuck, I've heard nothing but good things about it.
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