Thread: Dont throw eggs
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Default 07-28-2005, 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by KTOG
Originally Posted by M79
iktog, i don't think i was flaunting my opinion. just defending it since someone insulted me. besides, the majority of people here thought the teen had it coming as did i so you'd have to get many tickets. happy:
Insulting and debating are 2 different things.

Also grow up and have a couple kids of your own and say the same thing. You still have a few screws loose.
i have a kid and he's 7. i've raised him since his birth so don't tell me to grow up and have kids cuz u don't know me. also, i wasn't debating, just not wanting to get flamed for my opinion on this topic which i've already been called one name by one person and then you saying i have a few screws loose. i have a few screws loose why? cuz i don't agree with what you think on the matter? you're no one to judge me k? u don't know me or my life or how i raise my kid, which he'll know the differences between right, wrong, and stupid, unlike that kid who was shot.

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