Thread: Dont throw eggs
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tomxtr is Offline
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Default 07-28-2005, 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by strvs
Let me put it this way - if your son, at 15 was shot and killed over an egg, would you still say he had it coming?
I wouldn't. If he got his ass kicked on the other hand, I would definitely say he had it coming. An egg, at lets say 60 MPH (speed of car + velocity of egg) probably feels like a fucking rock, with schrapnel to boot. At 15 he should have known better. Certainly doesn't excuse the dude for flying off the handle and killing the kid. He should probably to some serious time.

I'd be curious to see if this guy had a prior record. I'm betting he did. It would be a shame if he was a decent guy who flew off the handle and overreacted because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Fucked up situation with no winners. annoy:
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