Thread: Dont throw eggs
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Default 07-28-2005, 09:33 PM

The bottom line is that youths do stupid shit. I'm pretty sure not one of you could say you haven't done something similarly stupid. That's ok, it's what people do....But if everyone gets killed or even just shot for every stupid mischevious mistake they make - Then there would be no people on the fucking planet.

If you think getting shot/dieing is a suitable punishment for this kid, then you should agree that everybody else who does similarly stupid things (as a one-off or not) is to be shot/killed too, otherwise you'd be hypocritical in forming your opinion towards this one kid who did get shot. It was a mistake of these kids to do what they did, but everyone makes stupid little mistakes.....It was a bigger mistake of the guy who shot him. Not everyone, not even half of everyone would make that kind of mistake.

That's really the difference. These kids fucked up, but in no way deserved what they got.
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