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Default 07-28-2005, 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by geRV
Originally Posted by rdeyes
cant win ?? alot of terrorists have died and not many countries are letting not them train there , keep em coming and we'll keep killing em and sending to their 70 virgins in paradise.

People that say that are probably the same type of people that believe america didn't lose in vietnam. Even though you get the rare occasion where someone will actually say it. spank:
we lost because we couldnt go after the NVA and VC they way it should have been done , just like we cant go after these scumbag terrorists , because certain people in goverment think we are too "hard on them" . they didnt give a shit about 9/11 or the civilians in England , or the people that get blown-up in israel . this is the new way of warfare. someone has to stand-up to these people .
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