Thread: 1 Giant Leap.
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Default 07-29-2005, 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by KTOG
Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by KTOG
Back on track ...

I explained what your anti-homosexual bible verse means. Since you said you obey the bible, than whats your arguement now?
What do you mean what's my argument? The verse says that homosexuality is a sin, I'm sticking with that and that's why I don't support it.

So if there was a vote today would you support the follow:

-Removal of Divorce
-Removal of Science in the classroom (including social science)
-Deport other religions
-Mandatory volunteering
-Death Penalty
-No more unhealthy foods (gluttonous)
-Mandatory prayer in school

A good Christian would vote for all these, not pick and choose. They are all bad in the bible, why not bad for America?
The bible isn't against divorce if it must be done, and I'm sure that the Bible doesn't require most of those other things as a set in stone beleifs like homosexuality as a sin.
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