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Default 07-31-2005, 02:19 PM

Bernie Goldberg has written a gem of a book which blasts the cultural elite, obsessed secularists, anti-Americans, Hollyweird hypocrites, and the fawning over crappy black rap which translates into racial appeasement. However I must agree with some reviewers that Goldberg is playing off a niche similar to Ann Coulter and Mike Savage. This is a purely partisan book which plays to partisan Republicans. If not, it would recognize that Dubya has cornered the market on screwups. In fact, Dubya should be at the top of the list. He invites massive illegal immigration - over 1 mil a year when we can only absorb a max of 300,000. He refers to the peaceful Minutemen as "vigilantes" while he zealously protects foreign borders with U.S. troops. Could this be interpreted as treason? He's turned a budget surplus into huge deficits and put forth CAFTA which undermines U.S. textile jobs. Big Oil continues to strafe the wallets of average Americans while Bush remains mute. His impetuous war, preceded by such cowboy epithets as "smoke em out", "bring em on", and "get em dead or alive" shows a sophomoric mentality and cavalier attitude about military action. In addition to the unnessary deaths of thousands, Mr. Bush leveled Iraq and promised to reconstruct it - and its all gratis, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. So Bernie, when we talk about the 100 democrats who have screwed up America, it might be fitting to remember the ONE Republican who outdid them all.[/quote:22632]One of the customer reviews happy: . Didnt John Stewart make this guy look like a goon on his show? I think it was, I will look for a link or a video.
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