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Default 07-31-2005, 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by rdeyes
do you guys think these sliders are good enough for 10 minute quarters ?
it says 5-6 mins, so I don't know. I manage NFL-like yardage with these sliders, so maybe they will work.

And also, regarding my running game, I do use (in my view) the worst playbook in the game so that might be a reason why I suck. It's the Oregon State playbook, which uses the ace formation to death. I don't even think they have the Shotgun, and practically all the passing plays use Play Action (which results in a sack 70% of the time). Any one know of a good playbook that utilizes a pocket type QB with a power-running back? A spread offense playbook would be nice as well. Thanks

What also pisses me off is that there isn't really a "tackle button." Theres the big hit button, which rarely occurs when you press it. The square button (diving tackle) works, but sometimes your player will just bounce off, or just blatantly dive in the opposite direction. I know to tackle you have to run into the player, and the game will do the animation for you, but half the time the guy just bounces off the opponent or just doesn't even react as he is supposed to. The "pinball" affect really is bad in this game.

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