08-01-2005, 07:31 PM
# Michael Moore
# Arthur Sulzberger
# Ted Kennedy
# Jesse Jackson
# Anthony Romero
# Jimmy Carter
# Margaret Marshall
# Paul Krugman
# Jonathan Kozol
# Ralph Neas
# Noam Chomsky
# Dan Rather
# Andrew Heyward
# Mary Mapes
# Ted Rall
# John Edwards
# Al Sharpton
# Al Gore
# George Soros
# Howard Dean
# Judge Roy Moore
# Michael Newdow
# The Unknown American Terrorist
# Lee Bollinger
# James Kopp
# Dr. Martin Haskell
# Paul Begala
# Julian Bond
# John Green
# Latrell Sprewell
# Maury Povich
# Jerry Springer
# Bob Shrum
# Bill Moyers
# Jeff Danziger
# Nancy Hopkins
# Al Franken
# Jim McDermott
# Peter Singer
# Scott Harshbarger
# Susan Beresford
# Gloria Steinem
# Paul Eibeler
# Dennis Kozlowski
# Ken Lay
# Barbara Walters
# Maxine Waters
# Robert Byrd
# Ingrid Newkirk
# John Vasconellos
# Ann Pelo
# Markos Moulitsas
# Anna Nicole Smith
# Neal Shapiro
# David Westin
# Diane Sawyer
# Ted Field
# Eminem
# Shirley Franklin
# Ludacris
# Michael Savage
# Howard Stern
# Amy Richards
# James Wolcott
# Oliver Stone
# David Duke
# Randall Robinson
# Katherine Hanson
# Matt Kunitz
# Jimmy Swaggart
# Phil Donahue
# Ward Churchill
# Barbara Kingsolver
# Katha Politt
# Eric Foner
# Barbara Foley
# Linda Hirshman
# Norman Mailer
# Harry Belafonte
# Kitty Kelley
# Tim Robbins
# Laurie David
# The Dumb and Vicious Celebrity
# The Vicious Celebrity
# The Dumb Celebrity
# Chris Ofili
# Sheldon Hackney
# Aaron McGruder
# Jane Smiley
# Michael Jackson
# Barbara Streisand
# Kerri Dunn
# Richard Timmons
# Guy Velella
# Courtney Love
# Eve Ensler
# Todd Goldman
# Sheila Jackson Lee
# Matthew Lesko
# Rick and Kathy Hilton