08-01-2005, 11:34 PM
[quote:b2a7c]Think what you will Founding_LAw but I find little fun playing other peoples stuff. Its not that i can't (nice assumption), its just that its has already been done. Why reinvent the wheel? I'd rather sit around and create my own stuff and just learn something new rather than do what someone else did best. Ok, now its time to lower myself to your level. YOU SUCK CUZ YOU ONLY PLAY OTHER PEOPLES SONGS JESUS YOU MUST BE SOME RETARD THAT CAN ONLY PLAY VERBATIM AND HAVE NO CREATIVITY.
1st of all i said most people cant play other peoples stuff, I didn't say you specifically now did i? your answer is the typical hack guitarist answer by the way, it says to me you suck at guitar.
and i didn't insult you i insulted the dumb ass who asked a dumb question. ever here the saying ask a dumb question get a dumb answer?
who says i cant write my own stuff. i was in an original band for 6 years. and a cover band for 6 years. covers are fun, and you can play better bars too. believe me i could school your ass on guitar.
You learn lots of technique from learning other peoples music. you think all the greats didn't learn covers, your a moron if you do. in fact most bands started out as cover bands.
ps:try lowering you hand on the neck for easier chord playing, and you wont need a hammer to break your hand.