Originally Posted by Sniper101
vikings had their regions, different regions (of scandanavia) had different styles. Also different regions worships a different god, which also led to different styles. The ones with horns were common of odin and Thor, but horns also showed rank and bravery, as did eagle feathers for native americans
Actually, no. According to research (and I live in the fucking area vikings roamed and called their home, so the stuff I read is more legit than the stuff youll find in ie. the US), the vikings did never use horned helmets. To clumsy in combat, you see. However, there are specculations on wether or not the vikings used horned helmets for rituals and ceremonys, but no evidence of that has been found (and in my opinion there is no evidence, since it didnt happen). The hornhelmed vikings began to appear in the 19th century, thanks to era of romance. They wanted to make vikings look scary and fierce, so they slapped horns on their helmets. From there, it travelled to the whole world as a massive misinterpretation(sp?) of the vikings. The common gear was chainmail, sword or axe, a small buckler and a "Spangenhelm", if the stuff Ive read is correct.