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Default 08-05-2005, 07:03 AM

A response to Wilko:

1) The police had been observing the man as he left a block of flats and rode a bus to the tube station. Why didn't they move in while in the low density areas instead of waiting till he got close to a tube station?

2) Why would I expect a British crook to be any smarter that an American, Canadian, or Assie crook?

3) Would you stand there and let someone rob you? You don't know that the cop said anything, let alone that he was a cop. Then again the dead guy is a Brazilian, perhaps he didn't speak English so good.

4) Again your making a mistake to assume the policeman identified himself in such a way to be understood.

Don't you find it ironic that all the other arrests of suspects have ended peacefully. These are supposed to be wild-eyed extremist terrorists, mad-dog killers that won't be taken alive.

**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
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