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Default 08-05-2005, 07:17 AM

[quote="newt.":f68ba]the guy ran from police, jumped turnstyle(spelling?), and bolted towards a train, fuck man those stupid pussy hippy fucks complain about everything. I'm glad they shot him, I hope they do it again, they got the fucker before he reached the train, this is good news.[/quote:f68ba]

Have you been drinking?

Originally Posted by Wilko
Think about this logically. You are a London Policeman. Your Country has been attacked recently by Terrorists, specifically the Tube Stations. You see a guy, who is foreign in appearance (by Foreign, i mean not Anglo), acting suspiciously inside a Tube Station. You also notice he has wires and assorted shit hanging out of his rucksack.
Menezes wasn't carrying a rucksack, or bag, or anything like that. Nor were there any "wires" or "assorted shit" anywhere on his person. Also, contrary to initial reports, he wasn't wearing a heavy padded jacket.

Some other thoughts....

1) Even though the mainstream media continuously pumped out disinformation about him being here illegally immediately after the event took place, [url=]things aren't as clear cut as some people would like you to believe.[/url:f68ba] The whole "if this 'Jonny Foreigner' wasn't here illegally he would still be alive today" argument is nothing more than a smoke and mirrors trick. The authorities, and their media whore lackeys, are pandering to the inherent xenophobia that exists within a large chunk of the British population, to divert their attention away from the fact that someone shot and killed an innocent man.

2) Menezes' family [url=]claim[/url:f68ba] that he used his travel card that morning, if true -- and I have no reason to doubt them -- here endeth the whole "he jumped the barrier" tale.

Request: If anyone knows, or finds out in the near future, the name of the company he was working for, would you please PM the info to me - thanks!
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