Originally Posted by Bucknub
well, for some reason when I max out the gfx, the game loads like I set them to their lowest, but with them high, seems that everytime I turn a corner it does its 'chugging loading' dealy. =\
The game kinda chugs for everyone when turning corners, seems to be a loading type delay. Not sure what you;re doing in the options to make the graphics look like shit when you;ve got em maxed out though. eek: Do you have pixel doubling enabled in the gfx options? If so disable it. If yo want to increase performance theres an option for dx 8 shaders which will make the game run faster, won't look as pretty though.
Miyagi, not really sure for system specs how it'll run. The multiplayer beta ran like ass, this runs a bit better so the final game might be more optomised.
Heres a little vid i captured (no sound) having fun after stiffing a few guys biggrin:
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.mar ... /Movie.wmv