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Default 08-07-2005, 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by Wilko
Think about this logically. You are a London Policeman. Your Country has been attacked recently by Terrorists, specifically the Tube Stations. You see a guy, who is foreign in appearance (by Foreign, i mean not Anglo), acting suspiciously inside a Tube Station. You also notice he has wires and assorted shit hanging out of his rucksack.
Menezes wasn't carrying a rucksack, or bag, or anything like that. Nor were there any "wires" or "assorted shit" anywhere on his person. Also, contrary to initial reports, he wasn't wearing a heavy padded jacket.

The article said he was on the way to repair something (i forgot what) yet he didnt take any equipment needing a rucksack? eek:
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