08-23-2002, 07:15 PM
Thanks for the tips from 2 people. I guess it was my bad to post on OTBS cause all this place has are spamers increasing thier post count. Note the 3 word stories and two people who go back and forth with one sentence messages. As for soccer I used to play it in fact its the most played sport under high school in america. Lol USA is number 9 in the world and we don't give a rats ass. Thats cause were number 1 in basketball. number 1 in football american (only ones that play it). Number 1 in baseball (you might say cubans but we won in the olimpics.) If you not in the top 5 in the world you don't mean a thing. Now that may be different in the football FIFA world.
Lets see bout everygame where there is a huge upset 5 die from riots and stampedes lets see anger management classes anyone?
If you fail on the world stage espically for a outbreaking country and your the only star expect to be killed within the next 10 days.
Thier celebrations are sick. Note on the tonight show the loser of the week was professional soccer in england. As a goal scoreing celabration one member of the team bit the other guys dick its on tape. Ya the dude still had his shorts on still nasty.
Soccer is a somewhat slow sport and Americans are into fast sports.
Lacrosse fastest growing sport.
Baseballs dying (slow)
Arena footballs growing (50 points per game per team. 50 yard field 7 man teams. Can get checked over walls. Pretty extreme for football)
Slamball 3 trampolines on the court. People do dunks such as a 360 flip very cool to watch people who have a 46 inch vertical use tramps and wear pads in basketball.
Nascar is growing kinda boring to me though
Hockey = can't even see puck