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Default 08-10-2005, 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by Akuma
It's very easy on P4s. Just raise the RAM speed and keep the divider at 1:1. Once it won't post, reset cmos then try those settings again with more vcore and/or more vdimm. Be very careful with those settings. Overclocking without raising the voltages won't increase your temps very much, but as soon as you add those it your temps can really sky rocket. Do not, under any circumstances, go over 1.6v on the cpu on air. Even then you are looking at dangerously high temps with most air coolers.

Increase by 20mhz at first until you fail to boot the first time, then try 10 or even 5mhz to get your optimal speed. P4s are locked meaning you can't change the multiplier, so your OC is heavily dependant on your RAM. However, if you have shit RAM, you can use a RAM divider which will allow the FSB to run out of sync with the RAM. You will lose a tiny bit of performance vs 1:1, but the pure mhz gain will easily cancel that out.

Google "overclocking p4 guide" or something for more indepth detail and pics if you are confused.

OCing a video card is much easier. I don't know if you have ATI or Nvidia but just grab ATI Tool or the Coolbits registry hack then autodetect your 'max' OC. Test that out with 30 minutes of gaming, then you can go in and raise it more if you want.
ok I have no idea wtf you just said

all I want to know is the basic shit, not "DONT DO THIS< UR PC WILL EXPLODE, WILL GET REALLY HOT"

what settings do I change? i want to get at least 2.8

what are all the settings I need to change. just lable them and and lable beside it what it has to be changed to.
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