08-10-2005, 11:13 PM
Bucknub I own a 2.67GHz P4 Northwood CPU. I was able to raise the GHZ to a top speed of 3.20 GHz after raising the core voltage to 1.575 I believe...it was 2 jumps up from stock voltage. ANYWAYS...u can go search in toms hardware for a guide on how to OC. The reason geRV said that about the jumper is cause if u OC too high where u cannot boot stable nuff to get into BIOS to fix it...you need to pull the jumper out (when pc is off of course) and wait a few minutes then re insert the jumper to reset the BIOS, hence taking the OC off. Good luck. Keep in mind if u wanna OC this Chip...u gonna need some ArcticSilver5 and a new HS + Fan. GL!