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Sniped Ur Azz is Offline
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Default 08-11-2005, 12:14 AM

Because you need to do the 'User Defined' seletcion. Once you have gone under that u can then modify the mhz...what you need to do is play with the multiplier untill it gives u the GHZ u want. I forget the formula but its something like 20 x Y = MHz Where Y is the multiplier. You can enter ANY number in there on a range from like 100-400 or something not sure. Mine is at 165 (I believe) which makes it 3.20 GHz. Just make sure u are messing with the NUMBERS not the + - keys. Have a look and let me know. In the meantime I will look for that overclocking guide.

[EDIT] Cant find the one I want...but this MAY help

Best of luck...gonna see if I can push more outta my CPU and Ram in a bit. Ltr. (Or not if I blow the fucker up)
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