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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 08-24-2002, 11:17 AM

Ok, I can't believe some of the advice you are getting..."Get a personal trainer"? What the hell is this, the NFL? This kid is just starting High School for christ's sake. oOo: . And don't listen to the "m8's" from Aussy or the UK...they actually play Rugby. All that Head-Banging, Crotch-Grabbing, Ass-Biting has really messed their heads up. They don't know what time of day it is, never mind actually expecting them to comprehend WEARING PADS when playing full contact sports.

Listen, you want some good advice from someone who actually played.
1) Start training before the season practices even begin, you need to get in shape, because you will be dying out there in the field w/ all the running and other exercise you have to do.
2) Eat a semi healthy diet at the least. You will need energy, and the more carbohydrates you ingest, the more energy your body can convert from. Eat Pastas, breads, energy bars, Fruit... Check the nutrition label for the content.
3) Know going in that you may not be starting, and that you have to accept that role. Your coach will notice if you are willing to sit on the bench, but that you will be ready whenever the chance presents itself. Be a team player and help out your other teammates.
4) Pay attention to the coaches and the more experienced players, they will teach you a lot, if you just take the time to listen. Make the extra effot. It's all about effort. Don't slack off in practice, then expect to be a first stringer.
5) Work, Work, and work some more at your game. Ask questions, do some research. Everything helps

It's all about effort and teamwork. With this advice, you should be off to a good start. Just be prepared for a lot of hitting, which result in bruised knees, elbows etc.... You will get injured, but if your body is conditioned, you lower the percentages of getting a major injury that will sideline you for a game or two, or maybe the whole year.

Oh, and to those English M8's, no offense to what I said before, I was making a joke, not being serious.

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