08-24-2002, 12:01 PM
I feel a new ladder style with this Game Type fire2: M16:
[quote:a8473] One new modes that they are working on at the moment is the new Tug of War. This nifty ditty actually gets played across several maps. They're still fixing and designing it, but it'll work something like this... say there are five maps. The game will start in the middle map. If the Allies win, the map will move to the next one along the Allies winning path. If the Axis win that second map, it will move back to the original map, which will have to be played again and determine which map it will move along to next. This keeps being played out until one of the teams finally makes it all the way to their final map and wins. It sounds like it could potentially cause some really long battles. It's an interesting idea that will be fun to see in practice. [/quote:a8473]