Thread: My Occupation
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My Occupation
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Default My Occupation - 08-18-2005, 01:18 AM

I'm not exactly sure why I am posting this, I guess im just really confused about it all.

I am starting my second year of school next month and I had NO clue on what I wanted to do up until noon today. I saw in the paper pharmacist's make like 80-95 grand a year after you graduate. And only require 6 years of school, unlike doctors who require alot, and alot of money. I think it would be a fun job, and really not that hard, compared to alot of other jobs on the market.

I am not sure what you need to do to become a pharmacist, I guess that is why I am posting see if anyone has any advice on what to do if I decide that is what I want to do. And just any advice to me about school...thatd be great.

If I decide not to become a pharmacist, then I have no clue what I want to do. I thought it was going to something in computers, like computer networking, possible an electical engineer or something along that lines, maybe computer science, but I just doooooon't know. All of them sound so boring and typical, and don't pay as well as a pharmacist would. If I could, I'd LOVE to be a fighter pilot over anything in the world even if it paid 5 cents an hour. I would do it for free, as long as I could do it. But I don't know what I need to do to do that either, and I don't really know how to join ROTC either. If anyone feels like giving me some advice I'd appreciate it.
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