Thread: My Occupation
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Default 08-18-2005, 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by jujumantb
ooohhh pharmacy!!!! I know thee well... after all I went to one of the top pharmacy colleges in the country to become one. Guess what, its a bitch! If you are just starting now, expect to be in school for another 6 years... very strict schedule for most programs... you need 2 semesters intro chem, 2 semesters organic chem, calc, biology, zoology.... etc etc... lots of stuff, its a great field, you make tons out of school, but its a bitch to do... O-chem is some of the toughest stuff I've ever done in my life... my advice is to not start now, you should have done that a year ago if you were gonna go for it.
im only 18 though, its not like i cant start it. why exactly is it so hard? just because of the math involved? would you say the pay is worth it?

edit: rofl @ ad at top of page. virtual pharmacy institute
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