08-18-2005, 06:04 AM
If it were me, I'd go down to the recruiters office this weekend and find out what it takes to fly a jet. When it comes to service you have a short time frame in which to persue it, after which you will not be able to join up because of age resrtictions.
If your gonna fly for the US, you'll have to do it soon. I think the cut-off age is 26?
Anyways, my point is you wont be able to come back to this one later on, unless you choose something other than being a pilot. Most anything else can be persued at any age.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an Archaeologist more than anything else. Then once I looked into it closer, and was ready to go to school for it, I found out how difficult an occupation it is and how little it pays.
As a familly man, it just wasnt what we needed.
I do agree that desire and tallent are important, but the pay is a big factor too. In my case the pay was the biggest factor. Thats why, even though I have a degree in IT, im a mailman..lol.