Thread: My Occupation
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Unknown_Sniper is Offline
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Default 08-18-2005, 06:37 PM

coleman had it right, dont worry about the pay. Find something you like and do it. The rewrad of being happy will outweigh the fact you are making 10k less per year than if you had done something else. Also remember most of the stastics that say you can make UP TO this amount are talking about the people who are the best of the best at what they do and they definently earn that money.

This summer I could have easily got a job for $10-$12/hr and worked full time from june to august and made a couple thousand dollars. I also would have spent a lot on gas, and food, buying things etc. Instead I worked at a summer camp I got paid 3 times this summer totaling less than 2k but I have almsot all of it saved because I lived on site, they fed me, and I didnt have to worry about any costs. Ultimatly I think I left the summer with more money than if I worked a higher paying job. I also had the best summer of my life which I think is worth more to me than working inside an office and making "decent" money.
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