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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
1st Lieutenant
Posts: 4,318
Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 08-24-2002, 07:18 PM

Here's some good advice for you: don't be a tailback. I was a tailback for my freshman and sophomore year, and tailback/runningback/halfback whatever you want to call it is a damn hard position. Every play you get the ball, you end up running 5-10 yards before being hit in the ribs by a fat 220 pound bastard. Speaking of being hit in the ribs, buy one of those sleveless GoreTex shirts with the rib pads in it, that will lower your amount of painkiller perscriptions. biggrin: During my 2 years of playing tailback, here's what I suffered:

4 sprained ankles
1 broken foot
1 concussion
1 dislocated shoulder (they pop it right back in too, damn that hurts)

Don't get me wrong, tailback is great, because all of the fans have their eyes on you, and I'm an attention-whore, I love it. I also have played linebacker and lineman, but I lost weight and got in shape and got sent to tailback. Now I'm a junior in high school and play strong safety, and I love it.

Oh yeah, gain some weight. I'm 5'8" 169 lbs right now, and that helped a lot. I bench 255 lbs right now, squat 330(I need to work on that) clean 225 and run a 4.8 in the 40 (yeah Im slow, so what)

Sorry, didn't mean to tell you all of that crap. About the personal trainer, don't screw with that crap. It takes the fun out of football. Just start working out and run about a mile each day before school starts for you and you'll be beating the crap out of all those other puny bastards on the field. biggrin:
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