Thread: Squads
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Default Squads - 08-22-2005, 12:03 AM

Playing in a squad is so much fun, especially when the teams are even (not even as in number of players but in skill). I just finished playing for about and hour or two in a squad and every guy was a different BF2 character, so you allways had ammo when you asked for it and you allways had a medic when you asked for it. The engineer would lay out land mines when a tank was spotted, me being the sniper would clear the area first and call out tanks, trucks, and enemy soldiers, and so on and so on.
Every one in the squad called everything out. It was awsome, and had a blast playing. The teams were so even that each team had equal number of flags and it seemed like everyone that wasnt even in our squad was helping out.

Good times, I hope everyone has the same experience that I just did at least once. Enjoy BF2 guys and try not to be a lone wolf.
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