Thread: Squads
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Default 08-22-2005, 02:46 AM

Originally Posted by Stammer
Squads are cool when you acually have a good squad that isn't full of spec ops or assault.

PS: 1080 how did you get the commander badge? I can never get 20 commander points per game let alone 40.
I had a few good games as the commander, plus I dont just sit in one spot like alot of other guys do. I move around alot and dont just rely on artillery for kills, plus I try to take out enemy artillery, and sattelite...ect..ect with the artillery. use the supplys to rebuild artillery, and sattelite...ect..ect. I dont know how the points are given out but thats what I usually do. I find it funny as hell when I take out like 6+ people with artillery biggrin:

I dont take commander anymore, unless I notice that no one is being it. To many people have 10K+ stats and they are grabing it right away so I try to stay away from it now.

Im having a hard time to get basic pistol and basic knife mad: cuss:
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