08-23-2005, 03:50 PM
Action Point Reward or Penalty
Kill an enemy +2 points
Change an enemy flag to neutral +2 points
Convert a neutral flag to your side +2 points
Flag assist +1 point (note 1)
Kill assist +1 point (note 2)
Flag defend +1 point (note 3)
Driver assist +1 point (note 4)
Heal 100 points of damage (other players only) +1 point
Revive a player +1 point
Give ammunition to player or vehicle (other players only) +1 point
Repair a vehicle +1 point
Team damage (take off 50% of a teammate's total health) -2 points
Team vehicle damage (deal 50% damage to a vehicle controlled by a friendly player) -2 points
Team kill -4 points (note 5)