Thread: Crashing
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Stammer is Offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Default 08-24-2005, 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by Johnj
You should go to the hard forum and ask these type of questions because you never know if someone here is pulling your leg.

Remove your heatsink/fan. Clean both mateing surfaces with pure denatured alcohol using a lint free cloth like a coffee maker filter. Place a small dab of thermal greese in the center of the heatsink surface and spread it around with your finger inside a plastic baggie. Clean off the excess with a clean coffee filter. Now place a small dab in the center of the heat transfer surface of the cpu. Remount the heatsink, jiggle the heatsink around a little bit.

[puts on flame proof suit]

beer: dance:
Yeah thats what I did earlier and it's running very cool now, it went from idle of 125 to 112.


PS: I'd try the Hard Forums but they don't allow gmail.

Hardforums E-Mail Policy spank:
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