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Thinking of getting a couple of cars.
mR.cLeAn is Offline
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Default Thinking of getting a couple of cars. - 08-25-2005, 08:54 PM

Well, I partially own a spanish publication in Tampa, well we are finally getting money to roll in the doors and we are thinking of getting company cars. These cars will be traded on a non comiisionable $ for $. So we give Autoway or Courtesy Cars (2 of the largest car companies in Tampa, FL) ad space in the newspaper + other crap for 3 cars.

I really wated the h3, but since gas is a killer and the h1-3 is 5mpg, and the cars will be used for distribution and promotion, my dream was crushed.

It needs to be an SUV
I was thinking Ford Explorer hybrid, or the Toyota Highlander?

Could you guys help me out.

I need a fuel efficient car, and it needs to be an SUV - or one of those vans that the phone company uses
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