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Default 08-25-2005, 09:12 PM

I used to be like that before I found out about the internet. Is sad, my dad was gay and did not want to get a computer, till like 1999. I remember that in 2000 was like the first time time I went online cause even though in 99 we got a comp, we did not get internet till 00' - I'm sad and glad cause I did not have to worry about dial up. Well the point is that after all the stuff I seen on the internet and using kazaa and bearshare and what not and playing all my stupid games like resident evil (that really scared the shit out of me at night) and mohaa, and the blood packs, well it really fucks you up ... but after a year or so you are demoralized from anything and you won't flinch when the guy next to you gets his head blown off.
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