08-26-2005, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the words, were not sure what killed him the vet did an X-Ray of his body and didn't find anything but beleives that he had a tumor on his lower spinal cord. For a couple of days he couldn't wag his tail anymore or even move around with his back legs. It was horrible to watch. The vet said the same day he died when we took him there that it was some common aliment with sand in the inner ear and what not and she said he would be fine in a few days, he died 3 hours after that visit. I've had that dog for eight years we got him when one of my dads co workers found him on the side of the road so my dad took him and we found out he was horribley abused and had ton of worms in him, so we fixed him up and he lived a fat happy life until yesterday. I cried like a baby for awhile yesterday but was comforted by the fact that spike wasn't 8 yeats old like we though he was, he was atleast 12 so know we know he lived alot longer then we though, which also goes to show how badly beaten he was becuase he growth was stunted.