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Default 08-26-2005, 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by wintersforge
Originally Posted by Stammer
Originally Posted by wintersforge Misc and I were talking about in irc hope AT gets points for rocking armor and vehicles....ala spec ops blowing up command post and arty....might see more people playing it then....would be nice if they patched in new weapons as well but yeah right sleeping:
Maybe after they work out all the kinks that should have been worked out before the game was released they will start doing the same thing they did for Battlefield 1942. In later patches they added new guns, the Canadian army, and new levels. So who knows maybe they will do the same for Battlefield 2.

PS: Alot of people already play Spec Ops regardless.
i meant more people playing AT....if they changed the scoring and scored points for hits on vehicles ala 1 for a hit and 3 for a kill...
Fuck poiints for just hitting it. You should get a kill damage assist if you help kill it, but not for just hitting it, then he drives away for repairs. That would mean people would be spamming the hell out of everything with rockets.

You should get like 2 or 3 points for killing it though. I think revives are 2 points, and resupply is 1, so 2 points seems fair enough.

Its still bogus that only 2 or 3 classes are stat builders. Medic, support, and soon to be spec ops. Leaving assualt to be useless since it has the same gun as the medic but with a spammtastic nade launcher on it. Atleast AT has a purpose, assualt dosnt get shit, same with the sniper. Though snipers are pretty useless most times.
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