It's been a while... -
08-27-2005, 07:31 PM
Christ, I wonder if anyone even knows who I am anymore, this place has sure changed.
I can still recognize a lot of familiar names, but lord knows I've been out of the loop for about 2 or 3 years. oOo:
I've been lurking for a while now but I figured I would drop by and say hello for once. It shouldn't come as a surprise, as we all know the dangerous crack like addiction of will eventually bring anyone back.
Oh, and, I never got the chance to rub the Red Sox World Series victory in Pyro's face. biggrin: Just kidding, man; but I am worried about your Leafs - they don't look like they are going to be much of a force this year.
EDIT: What's even more surprising is that my signature still works... eek: