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Captain Bunny is Offline
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Default 08-25-2002, 12:11 PM

Anywho, back on topic (and planet earth)
Woke up around 6am because my girlfriend was breathing annoyingly.
Stuck some tissue paper into my ears, went back to sleep
Woke up 11pm when my girlfriends mum phoned telling her her sister went into labour.
Got dragged out of bed
Had a cup of tea
Sat about
Her sister dropped off her 2 year old daughter before being taken to hospital.
Got forced to watch kiddies tv
Ate some cornflakes
Contemplated on executing the teletubbies
Found out it was false labour
Got pissed off for being dragged out of bed for nothing.
Girlfriend and her mum went shopping
Watched the parole officer
Girlfriend and her mum came home
Kiddies tv was put back on
Walked girlfriend to bus station
Went into work for a chat while waiting on my bus
Got on the bus
Came home
Fed cats and guineapigs
got some food out to thaw for dinner
came on here.
typed this
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