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Rudedog's Picture pack WWII DVD movie rips
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Default Rudedog's Picture pack WWII DVD movie rips - 08-25-2002, 01:31 PM

This was posted b4 but was lost when the board was moved.

I have put together a series of images that you can use for whatever you want. Most people use them in sigs. But you could use them on web sites or anything else you can think of.

Right now I am working on “the devils brigade” which should be released very soon.
Hope you guys can use these.

This time from the DVD, “ The Longest Day”
zip is 3.5 megs -Sorry for the size but too many good pictures to pass on
A total of 130 pics
all in jpg format already compressed

Some sample pics

These are smaller then the actual pictures as I wanted to make them forum friendly


Down load here:

some other from my past posts

Enemy at the Gates

End of Saving private Ryne

Omaha from Saving private Ryne

A bridge to far

D-Day a DVD documentary

Hope you like them

Not so Rude
- Rudedog
Follow me via Twitter @THErealRUDEDOG
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