08-25-2002, 01:33 PM
How do I add pictures to my post?
Please remember that some of our members have slow dial up connections. Try to keep your images under 100k.
First need to upload your image to a web hosting site. There are several members who are hosting images and sigs on this board.
Once your image is uploaded. You will need to use the tags
Make sure there are no spaces between any of the brackets and the url. This goes for both front and back
How do I add a sig to all my posts.
Follow the same basic rules as mentioned above.
Go to your profile by clicking on the link in the right hand corner of this page.
Now all you need to do is add your:
[code:4b6df][img]http://www.your_web_site.com/your_dir/your_image.gif[/img] [/code:4b6df]
to the Signature box in your profile.
check off the yes box for "Always attach my signature:" Just under this box.
Apply changes and you should be all set.