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Default 08-31-2005, 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":97af4
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
And if you knew anything about history, you probably wouldntlook like such a fuck off. The higher generals, who had positions as "councillors" to the emporer, actually made most of his decisions. The emporer had very little real power. Ever see the last samurai? Same thing.
Correct me if I am wrong lypo, but did the Emperor not make the final decision/ have the last word in that movie... rolleyes: Not to mention that he ended up slowing down Japan's industrial/modern developements at the end to save Japenese traditions... which in turn would support the whole fiasco of keeping such mantras as "the Emperor = living God".... Hey that is just my look on it..but meh.
Emperor Hirohito was kept in the dark for the general course of the war. His council--as they traditionally would--lied to him and bolstered his spirit. The Japanese Imperial Navy and Army held veto power over any and all decisions that were made by the Emperor or his cabinet.

He is by no means a 'living-God.' Most Japanese who are Shinto Buddhist, about 80% and even more at the time of the Second World War, could have only considered the Dali Llama, if interpreted that way, to be a living God. Although there was much respect for the Emperor, it has been made painstakingly clear that he had great interest in military affairs, but that in the years 1942 and 1943 as the war started to go sour for Japan that the information he was recieving had less and less to do with reality. The assertation of 'divinity' came from Hirohito trying to protect himself from the Americans. He was essentially just lucky that MacArthur found him usefull.

Before you argue next time about knowing, "One thing about their culture," don't just make random and tenatively generic shit up to support your rather baseless and pathetic argument.[/quote:97af4]

pathetic ? lol. rolleyes: . Baseless ?? lol. tenatively generic shit LOL. Both of you make these claims yet not a single reliable source to back it up. Look at the power this man must of had if you look at Blases story, the family Killed itself in respects to his words. That is Power right there Gordon.
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