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Default 09-01-2005, 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by ninty
How did the video contradict anything?

Another thing I forgot to add was PNAC's article found here: ... fenses.pdf

Outlines everything pretty clearly. They called for "a new pearl harbour" back in 99 I believe. Their members can be found in the current administration.

Here's an article as to why it happened:
YAWWWWN. Look dudette, I live in germany. your paranoid ass conspiracy theories about Bush are nothing new to me. Youre not gonna change my mind, so dont bother trying.
The point of posting is not to try and change ones mind. It is called a civil discussion and debate. If you cannot participate in one, I suggest you leave now.


Now that I ahd a chance to actually refresh my mind and listen to the video I posted, that is infact the correct one I was referring to. Perhaps you should go back and listen again to what Silverstein says.

Silverstein is saying "Pull IT" not "pull out", meaning demolish the building.
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