Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by GordonHall
When the persons arguments lack integrity, you go after the person themself who presents the poor arguments by pursuing their facts. The fact that I've found out you lack any worthwhile integrity is something of your own devices. The only people I've apparently incensed is you and Short Hand, who are the polar opposite of my views.
I'm sorry you can't open your eyes enough to see other perspectives, it's really is quite pathetic.
You don't look hard enough then, you're just like every other new comer to her who takes to what is the common belief of the forum. In this case, it is the fact that people like short hadn and I are few here and most people who act like bitches are gun-toting conservatives who do the same shit they assume we do. I don't know about Short Hand's agenda, but I don't agree with everything liberal, but Id have to say Id rather have them than a conservative.
American politics are something Ive learned mostly from the vague reports in my local conservative newspaper (I can't fucking stand the liberal newspaper) and this forum basically so I just voice my opinions and what id like to be done and leave the in depth shit to usually Ninty or Buttocks who obviouslly know more about this than I. I just get into this bullshit because it seems Buttocks and Ninty just state facts and don't bother you assholes...while rdeyes and yourself seem to just egg people on because they feel they're suprior. The only one who takes "your" side that is admirable is TGB.
I have a feeling GordonHall is
TGB!, I might be wrong but I had that feeling as soon as he first started posting.