Originally Posted by rdeyes
Originally Posted by 1080jibber
With the US being so dependent on oil, it makes since to go to war with a country that has a lot of oil. Just look at this hurrican stuff going on, gas prices jumped big time because of it, imagine if only the Saudi and Iraqi were the only source left. they could bring down the US like nothing.
we live in such a crazy world today, i dont know what to belive
theres a shitload of oil in anwr and there more natural gas than oil , it takes time to pull the shit out the ground, most of the oil from alaska goes to asia, which i think is utter bullshit and needs to be changed , why pay for oil from the middle east when you have an abundant supply in the biggest state in the union? they passed the bill to start drilling in anwr after clinton and his croonies wanted to help protect the caribou and other wildlife which is also bullshit, the oil industry has been getting oil from the arctic coast since the early 70's and the wildlife is going ok, it isnt like they have rusted barrels leaking oil everywhere.
Alaska does not have that much oil....... ****Not to mention it is more profitable to ship it overseas, charge an asian consumer 4x the amount and getaway with it. rolleyes: